Friday, April 1, 2011

Sping is in the Air...

The crepe myrtles are starting to show growth as the winter weather comes to an end.

The dogwoods are in full bloom as the  Easter season approaches...
My friend inspired my to write in my blog this morning.  I have done this in so long, but I am on spring break and we are seeing the first signs of spring.  Spring  brings a new start each year and twice now I am experiencing a new beginning.  Last year at this time I lost my mother, and this year I lost my grandmother.  Both were very dear to me and as I see signs of new growth around me I can't help be see my dear loved one in it.

Mom and I at Charleston, her favorite place to be.  Ironic it was on spring break three years ago that we last went. And now it is spring break that I start each year with memories of her...I miss you mom.
 Spring is in the Air...