Thursday, July 18, 2013

New school year...New school theme!

Lighthouse for Learning and Leadership is our school theme this year!   I am on the hunt for ideas for my classroom.  

I was fortunate to travel up north a few summers ago to the Cape, Maine and then to Martha's Vineyard.  I hope to incorporate my vacation pictures into my class. 

I thought of printing these and letting students do research on the types of lighthouses?  I am also looking for bulletin board ideas.  

Any suggestions? 

1 comment:

Allyson/HBMomof2 said...

The lighthouse could serve as the "guide" for good behavior. You could also use lights for student ideas and different lighthouses and their colors for different topics or subjects. Just a few random thoughts that popped in my head when I saw the lighthouses. Good luck and thank you for the Lilly inspiration in the classroom!