Saturday, February 4, 2012


A Perfect Unit on Inferring...
Ideas for grades 1-6.

Students alwas seem to want to blame each other for "things" in the classroom.  So I took this as the chance to turn it into a lesson on Inference.  You can assume many things.  I show them pictures and let them try to figure out what is going on in each picture.  I get many, many different opinions.  Students must back up their inference!  They then try to presuade others to their side.  It is a fun lesson and then I do not have chidren accusing each other so much in the end.

Scroll to TopInference: Why is this man on the floor? What makes you think so?

Inference: Why is this man on the floor? What makes you think so?

Pinned Image

Inference: What are three things you can tell about the person who these feet belong to?                   

Inference: How is this girl feeling? What makes you think so?

(This is my favorite!)
Inference: How is this girl feeling? What makes you think so?

Pinned Image
(Student's favorite)
Inference: What is this man going to say to this girl? Why do you think so?

I have many more pictures we have fun with...

Happy Pinning...(From Pinterest)

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