Tuesday, January 31, 2012


This week, my students are taking our state MAP test.  We are reviewing and taking break from our curriculum so I do not overload their brains this week.  I have been sharing some Math activities we have been doing, so I thought I would share some Science activities...

"A boy left his bike chained to a tree when he want away to war in 1914. He never returned, leaving the tree no choice but to grow around the bike."
"A boy left his bike chained to a tree when he want away to war in 1914. He never returned, leaving the tree no choice but to grow around the bike."

Students worked together at this station to discuss how this happened.  They brainstormed their ideas and made a circle map.  As they rotate each group adds to the map.

Pinned Image

Students loved this station.  We had previouse studied environments.  They wrote a R.A.F.T from the turtles point of view about his environment and what he is thinking about!  This is in their AJ's and we shared them at the end of the day.  Several students illustrated their RAFTS.

Clear frog

This was the absolute favorite picture of the day!  I used this as a creative writing station to review for PASS in the spring.  Can you imagine the stories I got about being a "clear frog".  AND yes this is a real frog.

Finally they practiced their observation skills!
Love this for practicing observations, inferences and predictions.

Love this for practicing observations, inferences and predictions.

Hope this inspires you in your classroom with your students!
Happy Learning...

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